
    Dressing and Jiggling Soft Bodies

    Friday, 22 November

    11:00 - 12:45

    Room S224 + S225

    Modeling and Estimation of Internal Friction in Cloth

    We propose a model of internal friction of cloth that matches important features of real-world measurements, and we show that it produces distinct behavior to frictionless cloth in simulated examples. We also propose novel parameter estimation procedures that are based on simple and inexpensive setups.

    Eder Miguel, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Madrid
    Rasmus Tamstorf, Disney Animation Studios
    Derek Bradley, Disney Research Zurich
    Sara C. Schvartzman, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Madrid
    Bernhard Thomaszewski, Disney Research Zurich
    Bernd Bickel, Disney Research Zurich
    Wojciech Matusik, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Steve Marschner, Cornell University
    Miguel A. Otaduy, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Madrid

    An Efficient Construction of Reduced Deformable Objects

    We introduce model reduction techniques for the efficient simulation of deformable objects aiming at accelerating the construction of a reduced dynamical system, increasing the accuracy of the approximation, and simplifying the implementation. Based on the techniques, we introduce schemes for real-time simulation and interactive deformation-based shape editing.

    Christoph von Tycowicz, Freie Universität Berlin
    Christian Schulz, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
    Hans-Peter Seidel, Max Planck Institut für Informatik
    Klaus Hildebrandt, Max Planck Institut für Informatik

    Fast Simulation of Mass-Spring Systems

    We present a numerical method for fast implicit time integration of mass-spring systems based on block coordinate descent. Our method produces visually acceptable results for real-time applications.

    Tiantian Liu, University of Pennsylvania
    Adam Bargteil, University of Utah
    James O'Brien, University of California, Berkeley
    Ladislav Kavan, University of Pennsylvania

    Simulation and Control of Skeleton-driven Soft Body Characters

    We present a physics-based framework for simulation and control of human-like skeleton-driven soft body characters. We propose a novel pose-based plasticity model to achieve large skin deformation around joints. We further reconstruct controls from reference trajectories captured from human subjects by augmenting a sampling-based algorithm.

    Libin Liu, Tsinghua University
    KangKang Yin, National University of Singapore
    Bin Wang, National University of Singapore
    Baining Guo, Microsoft Research Asia