

    Thursday, 21 November

    09:00 - 10:45

    Room S223

    Beyond Keyframe Animations: A Controller Character-Based Stepping Approach

    We present a controllable stepping method for procedurally generating upright biped animations in real-time for three dimensional changing environments without key-frame data.

    Ben Kenwright, Newcastle University
    Chu-Chien Huang, Newcastle University

    Geometric Algebra Rotors for Skinned Character Animation Blending

    The main goal and contribution of this work is to show that (automatically generated) computer implementations of Euclidean geometric algebra (GA) can perform at a faster level compared to standard (dual) quaternion geometry implementations for real-time character animation blending.

    George Papagiannakis, University Of Crete & Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas

    Stochastic Modeling of Immersed Rigid-body Dynamics

    This paper proposes a stochastic model of the intrinsic complex dynamics of rigid bodies immersed in viscous flows. Our model is coherent and effective to simulate immersed rigid-body dynamics for arbitrary geometric objects in real-time.

    Haoran Xie, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
    Kazunori Miyata, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

    Generating Flow Fields Variations by Modulating Amplitude and Resizing Simulation Space

    We propose a method that enables the user to generate flow field variations from a single simulated dataset obtained by fluid simulation. Our method generates the variations in both the frequency and spatial domains, by modulating the amplitudes and resizing the simulation space.

    Syuhei Sato, Hokkaido University
    Yoshinori Dobashi, Hokkaido University
    Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Hokkaido University
    Kei Iwasaki, Wakayama University
    Hiroyuki Ochiai, Kyushu University