Art Gallery Exhibits

EMC (Emergent Mind of City) 2 & Qualia Landscapes
EMC 2 by A.M. & BiKE Lab. & Qualia Landscapes by Jeong Han Kim
The “Emergent Mind of City (EMC)” project is about cities’ virtual mind visualization through connecting the micro bio information structure like neuron and the macro social information networks (Google & Naver News, Twitter, Youtube). This project has been inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s “City of Water, Design of City as an organism.” Looking at the disastrous scenes of the citizens suffering from epidemics in the unsanitary European cities at his time, Leonardo envisioned an organic city that embodies the concept of hygiene. In the EMC project, we look at the contemporary city in a data-flow, instead of Leonardo’s water-flow city design. In the human body, afferent and efferent neural transmissions among nerves enable various organs to work as one inter-connected organism. If the city is viewed as a human body, the neural transmissions can be likened to the data flow of our time. EMC specifically focuses on three flows of “Fringe” data: ‘event,’ ‘feeling,’ and ‘appearance’ data. When perspectives and meanings are projected and focused on an event, ‘News-Network’ emerges; on a feeling, ‘Emotion-Network’; and on an appearance, ‘Image-Network’. “Qualia Landscape” is one of the most important conceptual backgrounds of EMC. ‘Qualia’ means individual instances of subjective experience like ‘raw feel’. Ultimately, coexisting the first person point of view ("I") with the third person one ("They"), EMC is ‘Artistic Socio-Bio Data Visualizations’ for 'Qualia Landscapes'.
A.M.(Art of Mind) artist group: Jeong Han Kim, Hyun Jean Lee, Jung-Do Kim |
BiKE Lab.(Biomedical Knowledge Engineering Lab. at Seoul National University): Hong-Gee Kim, Jin Hyun Ahn |
Jeong Han Kim
Jin Hyun Ahn
Hong-Gee Kim
Seoul National University
Hyun Jean Lee
Yonsei University
Jung Do Kim
LG Electronics