
    Geometry Ops

    Wednesday, 20 November

    16:15 - 18:00

    Convention Hall B

    QEx: Robust Quad Mesh Extraction

    Quad mesh extraction, the process of extracting a polygonal quad mesh out of a parametrization, is a widely underestimated problem. We show how to do it in a numerically stable, degeneracy tolerant and efficient manner.

    Hans-Christian Ebke, Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule
    Aachen University
    David Bommes, INRIA Sophia Antipolis
    Marcel Campen, Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen University
    Leif Kobbelt, Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen University

    Real-time 3D Reconstruction at Scale using Voxel Hashing

    We present a novel approach for large and fine scale online 3D reconstruction based on spatial hashing. Our algorithm efficiently compresses space, allows for real-time data access and implicit surface updates. Compared to current state-of-the-art online systems, we significantly improve performance (about 3x) and reconstruction quality.

    Matthias Nießner, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
    Michael Zollhöfer, University Of Erlangen-Nuremberg
    Shahram Izadi, Microsoft Research Cambridge
    Marc Stamminger, University Of Erlangen-Nuremberg

    Saddle Vertex Graph (SVG) : A Novel Solution to the Discrete Geodesic Problem

    The Saddle Vertex Graph (SVG) is a sparse undirected graph that encodes complete geodesic distance information. A geodesic path on the mesh is equivalent to a shortest path on the SVG, which can be solved efficiently using the shortest path algorithm.

    Xiang Ying, Nanyang Technological University
    Xiaoning Wang, Nanyang Technological University
    Ying He, Nanyang Technological University

    PolyCut: Monotone Graph-Cuts for PolyCube Base-Complex Construction

    While PolyCubes are useful as parameterization base-complexes for various operations in computer graphics, constructing PolyCube base-complexes remains a challenge. Our proposed PolyCut algorithm captures the desired properties of a PolyCube base-complex, balancing parameterization distortion against singularity count, and produces demonstrably better PolyCube base-complexes than previous work.

    Marco Livesu, University of Cagliari
    Nicholas Vining,University of British Columbia
    Alla Sheffer, University of British Columbia
    James Gregson, University of British Columbia
    Riccardo Scateni, University of Cagliari

    A Compact Random-Access Representation for Urban Modeling and Rendering

    Introducing a novel representation that is suitable for modeling and rendering large-scale urban city in a network environment. High frame rate interactive fly-by and street-level walk-through are achieved using a ray-casting based GPU shader.

    Zhengzheng Kuang, The University Of Hong Kong
    Bin Chan, The University Of Hong Kong
    Yizhou Yu,The University Of Hong Kong
    Wenping Wang, The University Of Hong Kong